Party Themes
Parties nowadays have lost meaning we can all relate; whether you attend or not.
Usually it is a gathering of invited guests for entertainment, fun and socializing. We have different kinds; Bridal, birthdays, graduation, kids party etc. To date generations most events have lost their meaning. Drug addicts can also testify to this. Teens and youths can't do without. It all starts with peerpressure from friends and wanting to look like others. ''I wouldn't call it role models''NO!!! Businesses took another angle until it became a concern. Within no time, Shisha banned. What a remarkable and mourning day it was for most kenyans. Since that day I wouldn't say us kenyans we are obedient neither will I say we're disobedient. One thing for sure is, I would say it all depends with one's character. Having an invite isn't the problem but what you decide to take is. According to statistics rape cases are high especially at night.{night parties} Dressing codes also have an effect to most cases as they say''Macho hayana pazia.'' I would rather be a country girl rather than trying to please someone. We have alot to educate our young ones.